
Ruth Melchior


Founder | Executive and Career Coach | Talent Builder

“Whether or not you believe that culture eats strategy for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the bottom line is high performers thrive in work environments that inspire their contributions, accelerate their development and champion the achievement of their potential.”

Ruth is energized by helping people achieve their potential. Whether that is asking respectful and challenging questions in order to get to the best result or listening and supporting while people navigate their own path.

She founded Anthrogrand after spending 25 years figuring out how to build people capability in support of business strategy for organizations in Canada, the United States and beyond. Ruth has spent the past few years establishing a coaching practice, that leverages her extensive HR leadership experience and insights.

Ruth holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Huron University at Western University, and is accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC).

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